In 1600, after 8 years of repeated and hideous torture, "heretic" Giordano Bruno was burnt alive at the stake - for his belief and teaching that the Earth was not fixed at the center of the universe with everything revolving around it, including even the sun, but that it revolves around the sun, around which the other planets also revolve; and that the stars were not pin-holes in some sky-vault through which heavenly light shone, but are themselves distant suns around which other planets may revolve. He could have saved himself by recanting, but he steadfastly refused. He basically allowed himself to be burnt - for truth.
During the Vietnam war:
Buddhist monks regularly burned themselves alive - without even a whimper. They gave their lives for peace.
And now, on January 27, Wednesday, 26-year-old Daniel Shaull burnt himself at the Ungar fur store in Portland, Oregon - out of compassion. His last words were: "THE ANIMALS ARE DYING! ANIMALS DYING!" And in empathy, he died with them. No one knows who Daniel Shaull is, so let him personify the self-sacrificial spirit of our movement. We must not let these supreme sacrifices go unlauded. We cannot let these real superheroes die in vain!
Anthony Marr, Founder and President
Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE)
Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC)