The Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC) and the Northwest Animal Rights Network (NARN) jointly present the 1st of the 50 Funeral Motorcades for the Animals in the 40-states-in-7-months (4/01-10/20, 2010) Compassion for Animals Road Expedition #7 (CARE-7)
Funeral Motorcade #1: Seattle-Bellevue, WA April 2, Friday 1:30pm assemble, 2:00pm start Starting point - Seattle Asian Art Museum, Volunteer Park, Seattle 1400 E Prospect Street Ending point - Bellefields Nature Park, Bellevue in front of AAA, 1744 114th Ave SE
The Funeral Motorcade for the Animals is a solemn event, conducted in the same spirit as a funeral for a loved one. It is for all the non-human sentient beings that have died at human hands, through the ages and right now. In our grief we speak, that all killings of sentient beings must end!
Depending on the local issues, a funeral could be dedicated to the animals being persecuted in that locale. In the Seattle-Bellevue motorcade, we are honoring the sea lions that have been and are being killed by fishermen.
The CARE-7 tour is conducted by GAHC Founder/President Anthony Marr and GAHC VP Anthony Damiano.
Anthony Marr, Founder and President Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE) Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC) (search for “Anthony Marr Heal Our Planet Earth”) 604-222-1169 (in Vancouver BC Canada) 216-386-7362 (while on tour in the USA)
On the eve of embarking on his 40-states-in-7-months Compassion for Animals Road Expedition #7 (CARE-7, with Anthony Damiano), Anthony Marr has a parting shot for Canadian PM Stephen Harper:
Global warming has precipitated ice-free conditions in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence for the first time ever...
... drowning thousands of baby Harp seals, and dooming thousands others stranded on dry land...
... while the "luckier" ones that have some ice to cling on to are easy prey for polar bears and arctic foxes.
And yet, Canada has raised the quota for this year's seal "hunt" up to 388,000. I ask you, Mr. Harper, where is your reason? And, closer to your soul, where is your compassion? Please read this article, and do something according to your conscience, assuming that power hasn't already corrupted the hell out of it.
World News By Mail Foreign Service Last updated at 4:44 PM on 25th March 2010
Stranded on a beach all alone, this starving harp seal pup faces a bleak and, most likely, short future.
The pup is one of tens of thousands who have washed up on beaches in Canada's Gulf Of St Lawrence during the worst ice conditions ever recorded in the region.
Thousands are presumed dead because the gulf, which is the annual birthing ground of hundreds of thousands of harp seals, is currently lacking both ice and seals.
Many more thousands of seals are expected to die this year, the International Fund For Animal Welfare (IFAW) has warned.
Sheryl Fink, a senior researcher with IFAW, said: 'The conditions this year are disastrous for seal pups. I've surveyed this region for nine years and have never seen anything like this.
'There is wide open water instead of the usual ice floes, and rather than the hundreds of thousands of seal pups that we normally encounter, only a handful of baby harp and hooded seals - animals that are normally found on ice - remain on the beaches.'
Threat: Tens of thousands of seals are expected to die in the region this year, the International Fund For Animal Welfare IFAW has warned
This year is expected to yield another especially high harp seal pup mortality rate, following on from 2007 when 99 per cent and 75 per cent of pups are thought to have died in similar circumstances, and 2002's 75 per cent mortality rate.
Scientists have hailed 2010 as the worst ice year on record with little to no ice forming in the Southern Gulf.
They are concerned that the cumulative effects of high pup mortality due to the poor ice conditions, and high numbers of pups killed during Canada's commercial seal hunt could be devastating.
Ms Fink added: 'Finding these ice-dependent seal species on land is extremely unusual, and should be considered a warning signal.
'The seal pups we have found on shore are thin and unable to defend themselves or escape from land-based predators. It is highly unlikely that any of these pups will survive long enough for there to be a seal hunt in the southern gulf this year.
Scientists have hailed 2010 as the worst ice year on record with little to no ice forming in the Canadian gulf
Anthony Marr, Founder and President Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE) Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC) (search for “Anthony Marr Heal Our Planet Earth”) 604-222-1169 (in Vancouver BC Canada) 216-386-7362 (while on tour in the USA)
Of 10 disaster movies, 6 are about asteroid strikes, 3 are about alien invasions, 1 is about geological upheavals, and none is about any human cause.
Nor makes the slightest mention of a planetary disease, much less all SIX DEADLY PLANETARY DISEASES, any one of which could wipe humans off the face of the Earth. All six simultaneously could doom species by the millions.
There is no university program called Planetary Medicine, so we self-motivated, self-appointed PLANETARY PHYSICIANS must self-teach as we go along, while learning from our own mistakes. And one did diagnose these Six Deadly Planetary Diseases as follows:
1. Planetary Fever – unnatural global warming, caused by forces other than purely geological
2. Planetary AIDS – damage to the ozone shield, Mother Earth's auto-immune system against radiation
3. Planetary Cancer – a part of her body turning malignant and growing unchecked – the human species
4. Planetary Wasting Disease – loss of biomass and biodiversity, via overhunting and deforestation
5. Planetary Internal Poisoning – no aliens dumped toxic waste on Earth; it is internally generated
6. Planetary Suicidal Tendencies – WW3 won't be just international conflict, but planetary suicide
Now, the planetary physicians will seek and implement the cure(s). I know that they will do so as if their lives depend on it. In fact, there is no choice, because the planetary physicians are themselves an integral part of the ailing planet, and they are themselves a part of the cause of the Six Deadly Planetary Diseases. It is do or die.
. Anthony Marr, Founder and President Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE) Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC) (search for “Anthony Marr Heal Our Planet Earth”) 604-222-1169 up to March 31 216-386-7362 as of April 1
“We know where you will be on your tour at any time. We have months to track you down and ambush you. We have an arrow with your name written on the shaft." - Hunter's death threat against Anthony Marr.
To the Editor KGO-AM Radio
Dear Editor:
I am writing to see if your radio station would be interested in hosting a live in-studio debate between Anthony Marr, founder and president of the Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC),
and Ted Nugent, icon of recreational hunting and trophy hunting
- assuming of course that Mr. Nugent would rise to the occasion.
Anthony Marr is within 2 weeks of departing from Vancouver on his 39-states-in-7-months Compassion for Animals Road Expedition #7 (CARE-7 – full itinerary in, to be accompanied by GAHC-VP Anthony Damiano. He will be in northern California for the week of April 8 – April 15, and will make himself available at your convenience.
Anthony Marr is no stranger to debating hunters; in fact he used to debate them 100 at a time. Back in 1996, then a campaign director of the Western Canada Wilderness Committee, he conducted a 50-communities-in-60-days anti-hunting-referendum road tour throughout British Columbia, and debated large crowds of hunters over 40 times. In 1998, he was physically assaulted by a hunter, resulting in 3 facial bone fractures and a buckled eye socket. In 2010, he goes on the road again, this time as the “most-hated anti”, in the hunters' own opinion.
Marr is highly respected in the animal advocacy movement, has worked in three tiger reserves (Bandhavgarh, Kanha and Ranthambhore) and has been a key speaker at the Animal Rights National Conference since 2004, delivering over 10 different speeches year after year. He was also the host of the Animal Voices radio program on CFRO-FM in Vancouver.
The following newspaper excerpts is typical of the media coverage of “the highest profile animal advocacy campaign in Canada, 1996” (Gloobal and Mail, Canada):
The Prince George Citizen by Gordon Hoekstra July 4, 1996 [Fur flies at meeting to ban bear hunts] It was barely civil and sometimes downright ugly. In the end, it took a representative of the Western Canada Wilderness Committee close to two hours to deliver a plea for help to ban bear hunting in BC. Anthony Marr was interrupted, shouted down, and generally abused by hunters in an audience of more than 100 that spilled out of the conference room at the Civic Centre Thursday evening... ¦Marr had barely begun...¦before he was attacked...
The Daily News, Kamloops, BC by Michelle Young July 9, 1996 [Activist pleads for bear-hunt ban] With calm and respect, Anthony Marr faced rapid-fire questioning from hunters and threw back a plea for them to stop hunting bears...
Alberni Valley Times [Bear hunters confront bare-faced petition to put them into permanent hibernation] June 14, 1996 by Diane Morrison
Bears, whether Black, Brown, Grizzly or Polar, are not endangered species in North America. Anthony Marr wants to keep it that way. The campaigner for Western Canada Wilderness Committee was in Port Alberni Thursday night with his effort to ban sport and trophy hunting of Grizzly and Black bears. It was a very hard sell to the audience of about 70 dominated by hunters and hunting guides that packed into a into small, hot room at the Friendship Centre, made even hotter by the temper flaring up from wall to wall. The hunters say they are the endangered species. They wanted the distinction between legal hunting and poaching to be clearly recognized. “Go ask the bears, to see if they can,” said Marr. He also said that some hunters and guides make this impossible, because they are themselves poachers. Marr believes that, with both legal hunting, poaching and conservation officer kills, about 8% of the Grizzly bear population and more than 10% of the Black bear population are being killed each year. He said the province’s Grizzly Bear Conservation Strategy clearly states that the species can sustain no more than a 4% annual mortality before going into decline, and even this, according to Marr, is too high. Members of the audience disputed Marr’s numbers saying that, on Vancouver Island at least, the Black bear population has been increasing by 15% for the last 10 years. Marr countered that the Black bear populations on southern Vancouver Island, and some in Mid-Island, have been decimated in various locales, citing the Cowichan Lake area as an example, and challenged the hunters to produce written documentation to support their claim, which they did not. A number of people asked why Marr’s main thrust was to shut down legal hunting when the problem is poaching. Marr replied that both in combination is the problem, and that he has another sub-campaign targeting poachers and traffickers of bear parts. A Chinese Canadian, Marr has taken on both Canadian hunters and the Chinese demand for the body parts of these animals. After about an hour of cross firing, WCWC campaign assistant Erica Denison finally stood up and said that until poaching can be brought under control, they want to buy time for the bears to recover. One of the hunters pointed at her and said, “Young lady, you are not old enough to teach us anything. Sit down!” Marr pointed at a middle-aged woman in the audience who had been quite outspoken in favour of hunting, saying, “I’ve been listening to this young lady for the last hour. Erica, please continue.” Marr needs to get hunters on his side, the woman said, not slam them, because hunters also want to stop poaching. Some audience members said it is organizations such as WCWC, advertising the fact that bear parts are worth so much on the black market, that is increasing poaching. Marr scoffed at this as an “ostrich attitude”. They objected to being told that they can’t legally hunt bears, but bears that get into garbage and smash bee hives can be killed for being a nuisance. Marr said, “The bears you kill are not nuisance bears, and that killing nuisance bears is not your job.”
When shown a picture of a bear shut in a small cage with a tube leading out from its gall bladder to extract bile, one man said that countries that treat animals like that are not democratic and so they have no conscience. Marr countered that lots of capitalists have no conscience either. Another man was convinced that if WCWC is successful in shutting down bear hunting, it will try to shut down all hunting. Marr said, “If another hunted species becomes threatened or endangered, I would champion its cause as well.” Back to poaching, Marr said that when an animal such as the tiger and the rhino is declared endangered, the demand and price, and so the poaching, skyrocket, hastening its slide into oblivion. “It is a very vicious cycle, and the purpose of this campaign is to try to keep our own bears out of it.” . . .
2006 [Big Trees, Not Big Stumps] (book by Paul George, WCWC) "... Anthony Marr cannot be intimidated... His blunt, unflappable style infuriated the opposition..."
Anthony Marr, Founder and President Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE) Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC) 604-222-1169 up to March 31 216-386-7362 as of April 1
Anthony Marr and Anthony Damiano can't stay healthy for long if all they eat is restaurant food on their 39-states-in-7-months CARE-7 road tour.
AM's friends offered a great solution in his previous six tours, by hosting vegan potlucks in his honor when he arrives in their cities.
In turn, he repaid body-food with soul-food by giving the dynamite speech titled "Homo Sapiens! SAVE YOUR EARTH!", base on his second book of the same title:
Anthony Marr, regularly giving over 10 different speeches at the great AR Conference, is a sought after speaker who has spoken to upwards of 250,000 people on 3 continents in his 16 years of full-time activism, and he has received many return invitations. A quarter million people can't all be wrong!
If you don't see your city in the itinerary (see, please contact either Anthony and they will add it in. They look forward to breaking bread with you.
Anthony Marr, Founder and President Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE) Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC) 604-222-1169 up to March 31 216-386-7362 as of April 1
In this our dangerous and critical time for our children and life on Earth
Anthony Marr founder and president of Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE) Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC)
will deliver a pivotal speech to the AR, Veg and Eco groups enroute his 39-states-in-7-months (Apr-Oct, 2010) Compassion for Animals Road Expedition #7 (CARE-7)
With the veg groups from coast to coast their desired setting is that of a vegan potluck (whereby he and co-campaigner GAHC-vp Anthony Damiano may obtain their best nourishment over their 7 months on the road; they can't stay healthy on restaurant food for long! :)
The day-to-day, city-by-city itinerary of California is as follows:
CA - 4/7/2010 - 5/3/2010
04-07 (Wed) - Humboldt/Eureka
04-08 (Thu) - Santa Rosa
04-10 (Sat) San Francisco/San Rafael - MAP:*Ko
Please consider hosting a vegan potluck in the 2 Anthonys' honor on the day slated for your city as shown above.
We promise that Anthony Marr's speech will be well worth your trouble. He regularly gives over 10 different speeches at the Animal Rights Conference.
Anthony Marr's first book
OMNI-SCIENCE and the Human Destiny
has won rave reviews, e.g. from U.C. Berkeley:
Dr. Tim White, Anthropology: “… Anthony Marr’s OMNI-SCIENCE is formidable…”
Dr. Marc Davis Astronomy and Physics: “… a forward looking moral framework… an important contribution…”
Dr. Carole S. Hickman, Paleontology: “… an extraordinary intellectual undertaking… unique… intellectually and aesthetically stimulating… a bold and eclectic piece of scholarship…exceptional… a delight… optimism, concern and compassion for humanity…”
Dr. Donald E. Savage, Paleontology: “… powerful… erudite synthesis...” . Dr. Richard C. Strohman, Zoology: “… original… a thoroughly logical system… might indeed fill a large gap in the way we think...”
Dr. Richard W. Holm, Biology: “… a remarkable broad perspective… great depth... truly deserves the name OMNI-SCIENCE…”
Institute of Human Origins, Dr. William H. Kimbel, President: “… a profound contribution to the fundamental definition of humankind in relation to the broader universe... unifies the fragmented Western scientific disciplines… implications of great depth and breadth for the future course of human actions… too important to ignore."
Please check out Anthony Marr's websites below, and contact him directly to arrange for details. Thank you!
Anthony Marr, Founder and President Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE) Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC) 604-222-1169 up to March 31 216-386-7362 as of April 1
A 5-university lecture tour conducted by Anthony Marr on his revolutionary philosophical system now well-known as the
has brought glowing accolades from diverse scholars at U.C. Berkeley (exemplified here) and other universities, including Stanford U. (see bottom of this letter):
Dr. Tim White, Anthropology: “… Anthony Marr’s OMNI-SCIENCE is formidable…”
Dr. Marc Davis Astronomy and Physics: “… a forward looking moral framework… an important contribution…”
Dr. Carole S. Hickman, Paleontology: “… an extraordinary intellectual undertaking… unique… intellectually and aesthetically stimulating… a bold and eclectic piece of scholarship…exceptional… a delight… optimism, concern and compassion for humanity…”
Dr. Donald E. Savage, Paleontology: “… powerful… erudite synthesis...” . Dr. Richard C. Strohman, Zoology: “… original… a thoroughly logical system… might indeed fill a large gap in the way we think...”
Dr. Richard W. Holm, Biology: “… a remarkable broad perspective… great depth... truly deserves the name OMNI-SCIENCE…”
Institute of Human Origins, Dr. William H. Kimbel, President: “… a profound contribution to the fundamental definition of humankind in relation to the broader universe... unifies the fragmented Western scientific disciplines… implications of great depth and breadth for the future course of human actions… too important to ignore."
Now, he is bring it to a lecture hall or UU church near you!
In 1979, disillusioned Canadian field geophysicist Anthony Marr went camping solo in Africa for two months, "to find himself". What he brought back was 2000 pages of hand written notes, which he published a quarter century later as his 600-page magnum opus titled "OMNI-SCIENCE and the Human Destiny", in which he presents his new philosophical system , now popularized in video form as
The MEANING of LIFE according to Anthony Marr
His second book
starts with the Omniscientific Cosmology, and ends with a planet saving strategy.
On April 1, 2010, Anthony Marr will launch his 39-states-in-7-months HOPE-CARE-7 tour, where he will present the Omniscientific Cosmology and the planet-saving strategy to the free thinkers across the land.
The itinerary of the HOPE-CARE-7 tour is in
Anthony Marr gives talks at UU churches and other venues in the evenings Monday through Saturday, and as a part of the UU service on Sunday mornings.
To book a lecture on the Omniscientific Cosmology and the Planet-Saving Strategy please contact Anthony Marr directly at:
Anthony Marr, Founder and President Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE) 604-222-1169 up to March 31 216-386-7362 as of April 1
Stanford University
Geology, Dr. W.R. Evitt: “… sincerity, imagination, intellectualism and scholarship… an immensely logical construct… meticulously thought out… majestic in scope but intrinsically simple, satisfying and optimistic… should have a very broad appeal… these are important ideas with great potential for lessening the conflicts in a troubled world…”
Sociology, Dr. Alex Inkeles: “… impress me not only with the quality of his presentation, but also the quality of his thinking… authoritative… exceptionally comprehensive…”
Philosophy, Dr. John Dupre: “… extremely intriguing and provocative… incomparably more edifying than the vast majority of such attempts…”
Anthropology, Dr. John W. Rick: “… very thought provoking… clearly deserves extensive discussion… a serious, well-founded vision…”
Physics, Dr. Leonard Susskind: “… I found myself stimulated, educated… worth listening to, even for those of us who are not of the same philosophical bent…”
Philosophy, Dr. John Bogart: “… compelling… have moral import…”
Applied Physics and Astrophysics, Dr. Vahe Petrosian: “… elaborate… clearly well thought out and researched… fascinating… a very ambitious task… a beautiful synthesis… captivating… should be of interest not only to experts but to all thinking people of the world…”
University of Oregon
Ecology, Dr. John Burket: “… instilled in me the kind of wondered awe that arises when previously nebulous thoughts, ideas and feelings suddenly crystallized into a framework of order… the germ of a new worldview… the clarity and logical order of this system gives an immediate sense of recognition of ones place in the scheme of existence … one can see from this philosophy how the future of our planet can be seen in terms of undeniable purpose and hope, a state of mind so lacking in these times… an idea whose time has come.”
Geology, Dr. Greg Retallack: “… fascinating and thought provoking… superior to those already available… Anthony Marr is a hard-headed thinker in the best scientific tradition. He deserves serious attention.”
Biology, Dr. Dennis Todd: “… a new theoretical framework… breadth of knowledge… seriousness of intellectual pursuit… keenness of insight... meaningful and coherent… masterly and cogent..."
University of Washington
Astronomy, Dr. Woodruff T. Sullivan: “… gives promise to lead to further insight…”
Medicine, Biomedical History, Dr. Keith R. Benson:“… creative, highly synthetic, scientifically sound and eclectic, and extremely comprehensive… compelling…”
Geology, Dr. Stephen C. Porter: “… enlightening… a keen sense of scholarship…tho ught provoking… original… engaging....”
Ecology, Sociobiology, Dr. Gordon H. Orians: “… deep thinking and widely read… thorough and accurate… a futuristic perspective, offering hope at a time when so many of us feel a deep sense of despair...”
University of British Columbia
Geology and Oceanography, Dr. R.L. Chase: “…a brave attempt to give us a new, science-based philosophy, with the aim of giving humankind a common purpose… stimulating...”
Biology, Dr. Ian McTaggart- Cowan: “… seriousness of purpose… intellectual capacity… forthright… thoughtful... important… unusually talented and discipline… dedicated...”
Evolutionary Biology, Dr. G.G.E. Scudder: “… logical and thorough… original and well founded… clearly dedicated and talented…”
Astronomy and Geophysics, Dr. T.K. Menon: “… highly impressed… no question in my mind about the need to have his ideas widely discussed...”
Biology, Dr. Lee Gass: “… seriousness of purpose… strength of commitment… intellectual solidity and honesty… a degree of intellectual discipline that is rare even among professional scholars… I have no doubt that he has dedicated his life to this project…”
Physical Anthropology, Dr. Braxton M. Alfred: “… Mr. Marr’s effort is in the tradition of 19th Century scholarship, but is based solidly on 20th Century science. There is simply no modern parallel for his accomplishment. / His system is extraordinarily ambitious… yet successful… a truly a grand scheme… He speaks with the power and confidence of one who totally commands the material... Mr. Marr’s product is in every way superior to any of the Ph.D. degrees this department has awarded in the twenty years of my appointment. It is characterized by careful, thoughtful attention and rigorous development. I recommend it, and him, without qualification.”
At the 2009 AR Conference, one of Anthony Marr's speeches was on Individual Activism
Someone asked Anthony to put his points in writing. Here are 7 points he made today:
1. The Power of One: One activist standing in the rain for 10 days is more powerful than 100 activists holding a one-hour protest in the sun.
2. Where you can lead: If you have no leadership quality, you would not be an activist. There is one thing among the millions that people can do in which you are the best. What is it?
3. Go where no one has gone before: Do what no one has done before. Media will cover you if you do something that has never been done there before, bearing in mind that something new anywhere is new only once.
4. Go where angels fear to tread: Do what no one dares to do - physically and spiritually. You need not be an outlaw to be brave. You can work within the law to change the law. Treat restrictions as challenges to your ingenuity.
5. Choose your enemy with compassion: Do it for justice, not for vengeance, and certainly not out of cruelty on our part.
6. Live for your cause. Be its instrument on Earth: You will live on in the difference that you will have made.
7. Save the Earth for her own sake, and our children and all creatures, for their own sake: An individual human has the potential to be an individual planet-saver.
Anthony Marr, Founder and President Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE) Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC) 604-222-1169 up to March 31 216-386-7362 as of April 1
The Winter Olympics is over. Many records were set, and all were celebrated, except one, which should be dreaded. Vancouver had the warmest and driest winter on record, as did the rest of Canada. In fact, the Canadian winter, already dubbed "the winter that wasn't", was warmer by an average of 4C/6.5F above the previous record average, and in the far north, more than +6C/9.6F, which is staggering. So, while Vancouver had to truck in snow for the skiing events, Newfoundland had no sea ice at all for the first time in history, causing thousands of baby Harp seals to be drowned at birth.
"It's beyond shocking," said David Phillips, a senior climatologist with Environment Canada. "Records have been shattered from coast to coast to coast. I've seen nothing like it in my 40 years of weather watching. It's like winter was canceled in this country." This may have set the stage for potentially "horrific" water shortages, insect infestations and wildfires this summer.
As more Arctic sea ice melts off, more solar heat will be retained by the Arctic Ocean and less reflected by ice. With less ice to melt year by year, less retained solar heat will be "latent" (going into melting the ice without raising the temperature) and more will be "sensible" (going into temperature raising). And when the Arctic sea ice disappears altogether, all retained solar heat will be sensible, and the global temperature will skyrocket. This could start to happen as early as 2013.
When this begins to happen, an even greater threat will emerge, in form of methane being released in copious quantities into the atmosphere from the rapidly melting permafrost. By then, the "Methane Time-Bomb" can be said to be detonated. The M-Bomb is a "slow bomb", which will take decades to explode and spend, but once detonated, it will be inexorable, and when all is said and done, millions of species will have fallen extinct, possibly including our own.
President Obama's only fight is in health care, while the West Virginia mountaintops continue being removed for more and more coal, and the Athabasca watershed in Alberta is being turned into one gigantic carcinogen by the filthy tar sands mines. This is short-sighted in the extreme, Mr. President, and Prime Minister Harper, and not worthy of the requisite intelligence of the Canadian Prime Ministry and American Presidency.
The only thing worse would be Sarah Palin for 2012.
Homo Sapiens! SAVE YOUR EARTH!!
Anthony Marr, Founder and President Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE) Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC) 604-222-1169 up to March 31 216-386-7362 as of April 1
It is no secret that Anthony Marr and Anthony Damiano have both received death threats from hunters. One called Anthony Marr at his home in February, saying, "We know where you will be on your tour at any time. We have months to track you down and ambush you. We have an arrow with your name written on the shaft."
And there are videos on YouTube specifically targeting the Global Anti-Hunting Coalition of which Anthony Marr is the founder/president and Anthony Damiano is the vice president. Caring friends have advocated canceling the tour on account of safety. While their concerns are deeply appreciated, it would be tantamount to being successfully intimidated, and defeated before the battle has begun. So, the tour will go ahead as planned.
There are things that can be done to ensure maximum safety, including a bullet-proof vest for Anthony Marr while he rides his motorcycle on the highway, and cameras mounted on the car that will record license-plate numbers of other vehicles, as well as concealed cameras on their bodies if/when confronted by hunters at close quarters.
All these of course cost money, and the Anthonys have none. They are launching the tour on a wing and a prayer. Therefore, the Global Anti-Hunting Coalition requests all who abhor hunting to please donate for these safety items, as well as for food and fuel, and to offer them free accommodation. We are deeply grateful for the anonymous supporter who has purchased a sizable life insurance policy for Anthony Marr, with the Global Anti-Hunting Coalition named as the sole beneficiary.
Please send your donation c/o In Defense of Animals (San Rafael, CA), specifying "Towards the Global Anti-Hunting Coalition".
Please note that neither Anthony is salaried, and Anthony Marr himself has not received a single cent of remuneration from his own organization Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE) since its formation in 1999, nor will he be paid for conducting this tour. Rest assured that every donation dollar will go to the campaign and the animals, not to some CEO's yacht. With your support and the completion of this tour, the Global Anti-Hunting Coalition will launch a full-scale anti-hunting war in 2011.
Anthony Marr, Founder and President Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE) Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC) 604-222-1169 up to March 31 216-386-7362 as of April 1