Project report by
Anthony Marr
Bambi, immortal mascot of the Global Anti-Hunting Coalition
Urban deer massacre ("culling"), combined with unadulterated fun-killing (bow-hunting), is a national disgrace.
Through my last 6 Compassion for Animals Road Expeditions (CARE-1 - CARE-6, 2003-2008, each covering 25-42 states over 3-7 months), I have worked with activists in no less than 25 states whose by-and-large pro-culling and pro-hunting officials discharge their "deer management" duties by means of bullets and arrows.
The current hottest battle in the "Deer War" is at the Shawnee Mission Park, Kansas City, which local activists have dubbed "Death Park". There were supposedly some 575 deer living in the 3.7 sq.mi. urban park. Local officials estimate the maximum deer population density to be 50 per sq.mi., which produces the maximum allowable total number of 185 in the park. Up to December 9, 313 deer had been culled by "Dr. Death" Anthony DeNicola. This yields a remaining population of about 260, about 75 higher than the limit of 185, and 75 is about what the Park Board has allocated to the bow-hunters, 15 of whom have been granted permits to do the dirty deed, with pleasure of course.
The purpose of my trip to Kansas City (from Vancouver BC Canada) is 3-fold:
1. To help local activists save these 75 deer if possible
2. To pave the road to non-lethal deer management at Shawnww Mission Park
3. To forge the Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC)
The means were three:
1. The 2 pm Funeral Motorcade for the Deer, suggested by myself and organized by Jason Miller in Kansas City, was a guaranteed media draw which did proved itself. The event garnered at least 2 newspaper articles, coveraged by at least 2 TV stations, and interviews by at least 2 radio stations.
2. My 6 pm lecture at the Johnston County Community College, which was video-recorded by Jason Miller, was attended by about 15 anti-hunting activists, and one hunter who concentrated on critiquing my Immuno-Contraception-delivery invention knowm as the Deer Auto-Assembler (IC/DAA) - without making a dent.
3. I spoke directly with Michael Meadors, head of the Shawnee Mission Park Board. He is in favor of non-lethal deer management. But passes the blame up to the Wildlife Branch. I intend to work with/on him immediately towards setting up a non-lethal plan for next year.
Following are pictures of the motorcade, and two newspaper articles. More media coverage will be added as they surface.
Anthony Marr and Jason Miller
Jason Miller and Anthony Damiano
The 2 Anthonys
Gate to "Death Park"
Deer in excellent condition, i.e. opposite to starving, slated to be hideously killed by bow-hunters
12F high, 2F low
Salt encrustation for a good cause
TV coverage
TV coverage
Media coverage
Radio interview
Police presence
Police presence
Spiritual presence
The "3-Musketeers"
Anthony Marr
Posters hand-made by Kansas City activist
The 6'6" Ricky Setticase
Funeral Motorcade for the Deer
In the hunters' lair
At least one hunter gave Bambi the flip
Article in
Article in the Kansas City News Blog
'Funeral motorcade' for Shawnee Mission Park deer this afternoon
By Carolyn Szczepanski
Wed., Dec. 9 2009 @ 7:00AM
The deer death toll has already surpassed 300, but the activists in Bite Club of KC aren't about to give up their campaign to save the fuzzy mammals in Shawnee Mission Park
Canadian activist, Anthony Marr
Today, though, their tone is taking a turn -- from road-blocking, blood-spattering, deer-head-hoisting outrage to a somber death march.
According to earlier reports from the Johnson County Park and Recreation District, the first deer harvest in November didn't pare down the overpopulated deer herd to ecologically manageable levels, so today marks the opening of a bow hunt by carefully screened archers. At 2 p.m., activists are planning a grim "funeral motorcade" as a means of protest, cruising their placard-plastered cars through Shawnee Mission Park, Oak Park Mall and, finally, Johnson County Community College.
It won't be Jason Miller leading this charge, though. Anthony Marr, an animal rights activist from Canada, traveled to Kansas City for the motorcade this afternoon. And tonight he'll use the Shawnee Mission Park controversy as a platform to launch an international anti-hunting coalition.
Marr has been all over the map in his 14 years as an animals rights activist. He's led campaigns against traditional Chinese medicine manufactured from endangered species. He's tracked down poachers of Bengal tigers in India, organized protests against whale hunting in Japan and, most recently, toured for months at a time through the U.S. and Canada to raise objections to recreational hunting. This summer, he joined Bite Club's campaign to stop the deer hunt in Shawnee Mission Park.
"There's no anti-hunting campaign hotter than this one," Marr says.
His name is familiar to officials in Johnson County. Marr came up with the schematics for a "deer sanctuary," a system of one-way gates that would lure animals into an enclosed area where they would be fed and treated with contraceptive drugs. Marr insists such a system would cost far less than bullets and bow hunts, but park officials shot it down as inconsistent with Kansas wildlife regulations.
But Marr's in town with a more long-term agenda -- one he'll lay out at 6 tonight in Craig Auditorium at Johnson County Community College. His presentation, he says, will highlight the cruelty of current hunting methods, outline his detailed plan for the deer sanctuary and announce the formation of the Global Anti-Hunting Coalition.
"This is going to be huge," he says of the GAHC. "The purpose is to have a global structure so the entire weight of the anti-hunting coalition can descend on a local campaign with huge resources. So you'd have the entire world coming down on Kansas City."
More media will be added as they surface.
Anthony Marr, founder and president
Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE)
What a wonderful presentation launching the GHAC Global Anti-Hunting Coalition.
Hi - Please contact me - I want to help. When are you coming to Wisconsin? We have an event called Canoecopia coming up in the spring that attracts 25,000 Silent Sports folks who know nothing about how wildlife policy is made. But in Wisconsin we have a unique system that could be democratic - an annual election of delegates that is supposed to be public that only hunters and trappers know about. I was elected as the FIRST delegate in the history of the hunting/trapping lobby to be elected to PROTECT wildlife in advising the Wisconsin Department of Natural "Resources" The entire sytem is co-opted throughout the legislature and Dept. of Natural Resources by the hunting/trapping elite. I was elected in 1999 and served for three years under death threats from the paranoid hunters and trappers. Since then things have returned to normal and all 360 delegates are from the rod and gun clubs. They expand their power in law and expand who kills, how they kill, and the species they kill EVERY YEAR the past 75 years. I want to help. I have some ideas. Please contact me at Thanks. Patricia Randolph
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