Anthony Marr's CARE-7 tour blog #10
Southern California
Thanks to the coordinated efforts of Anthony Damiano, Cathy Garneau, Marla Stormwolf-Patty, Paul Fusch, Coby and Eleanore Siegenthaler, Christine Miller, Michelle Mars and myself, the Los Angeles funeral motorcade, in one word, was TERRRRIFIC!
Paul came in to Coby's place around 10 am, Marla and Joe came in around 10:45, and we hit the road at 11:30 in/on five vehicles - Anthony D in my car, Paul in his, Marla and Joe in Joe's, Coby and Noor in Noor's, plus I on my motorcycle. I followed Paul's "Penguin SUV" from Northridge to Hollywood. On the freeway, he drove at 80 mph and, having been cut off by a few cars, I had to ride at 90 mph to catch back up to him. :)
We arrived at the assembly point in Hollywood by noon, and Cathy arrived shortly there after, as did CJ.
Meanwhile Michelle Mars brought in 4 cars, plus a couple of young people whom we met at the Animal Liberation Forum last week, including Monika Troshelova, all in all adding up to a dozen cars plus my bike.
The assembly point that we had chosen, being a busy street intersection, was far from ideal, but we made do by parking at the red-zones and staying with the vehicles while decorating them.
A TV cameraman from Channel 5 arrived before 1 pm, whose footage would go to 3 other channels, so, in essence, we were covered by 4 TV stations.
After walking around filming participants decorating their cars, the TV cameraman finally zoomed in on me astride my bike for a few soundbites.
TV: Please state you name, your organization(s) and position(s) in it/them.
AM: I'm Anthony Marr, the founder and president of the Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC) and Heal Our planet Earth (HOPE).
TV: Tell me what your organizations are about.
AM: Because a local anti-hunting group almost always lose when pitted against a local government which is almost always prohunting, we need a coalition of anti-hunting groups to win. Thus the Global Anti-Hunting Coalition. Heal Our Planet Earth is about saving million of species from extinction due to the imminent Runaway Global Heating.
TV: What are you doing here today?
AM: I am currently conducting the 40-states-in-7-months Compassion for Animals Road Expedition #7 (CARE-7) with GAHC VP Anthony Damiano, which will include about 40 Funeral Motorcades for the Animals. This one today is one of the funeral motorcades. Just as we would a friend or a loved one who have died, or been killed, we dedicate this funeral motorcade to our non-human friends who have died at human hands, and whom we love.
TV: What kinds of animals?
AM: All animals, wild and domestic. The activists here in this motorcade each have their own favorites. Some for cows, pigs and chickens, some for cats and dogs, and others against crush videos - where women literally crush cats and dogs to death with their bare feet or high heel shoes, and men use machinery to crush horses alive - for the entertainment of perverts. I specialize in hunting issues, and do it for the hunted animals, and against all forms of commercial, recreational and trophy hunting.
TV: What are the latest news?
AM: The latest news came only three days ago, when the Supreme Court struck down a standing law banning videos showing cruelty against animals, on the laughable ground of protecting free speech. The law used to ban videos of animal abuse of all types for commercial purposes. To protect their own hunting videos, the hunters despicably lobby for the legalization of the dog-fighting and crush videos, and have succeeded. Resulting from this supreme court action, things are wide open now, and all are legal, and the internet is suddenly flooded with crush and dog-fighting videos, and of course hunting videos. But now, given that Congress is tabling a new bill to ban certain types of animal cruelty videos, the hunting community and NRA are now lobbying for banning crush videos only, with hunting videos exempted specifically. To defeat this will be one of GAHC's missions.
TV: Could you give us a link?
AM: Since crush videos are the least known, I will give you this link:
TV: Thank you.
After the interview, the TV cameraman parked his cam down the road and asked us to parade past him when ready. We did, with my motorcycle in the lead.
After the cameraman has left, Michelle "Micky" Mars led us to the parking lot of a nearby city park, where we did our own video recording with my motorcycle leading the line of cars around the parking lot three times. And after this, we drove a circuit in Hollywood twice, which we also video recorded.
Unfortunately, I left the cam with the person doing the video-recording, so the footage will not be available in time for the publishing of this blog.
The GAHC group headed back to Coby's place and spent the time together until it broke around 11 pm. All in all a very satisfying day.
Anthony Marr, Founder and President
Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE)
Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC) (search for “Anthony Marr Heal Our Planet Earth”)
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