Join the Seal Motorcade Mar. 26, Sat., Vancouver - the Voice of the West!
by Anthony Marr on Monday, February 28, 2011 at 9:19am
by Ericka Ceballos on Sunday, February 27, 2011 at 6:40pm
Motorcade for The Seals
March 26, Saturday, 10:00AM, assemble at the water-front parking lot on Beach and Bute in English Bay, downtown Vancouver (2 blocks west of the Burrard Bridge)
This year for the Annual Anti-Sealing Day, CATCA is delighted to joined force with HOPE-CARE and it's Founder/President, our colleague Anthony Marr, whom we all admire and respect very much in BC for his well known animal advocacy work around the world, and who was honored with the "Best All-Around Activist Award" by Negotiation Is Over (NIH) in January 2010, and the "Henry Spira Grassroots Activist Award" by Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM) at the 2010 Animal Rights National Conference in Washington DC.
He is the only Canadian activist so honored since the birth of the AR movement.
On March 12th (Saturday), we will gather at 10:00AM in the scenic water-front parking lot on Beach and Bute in English Bay, downtown Vancouver, for a unique media event called the Motorcade for The Seals.
"Tell someone that 360,000 baby seals are being killed this year, his left brain will shelf it under 'big number', and his right brain doesn't quite get to see it at all, and his emotion does not get involved," says Anthony. "But if you could find some way to show his right brain the scale of the carnage, he would likely take action. At about one meter per baby seal, a single file of 360,000 dead baby seals laid out along a highway will stretch 360km/223mi. You will have drive at highway speeds for 3 hours to go from one end of it to the other. People often stop in their tracks and look stunned."
So, how do we show this vision to the public? Via media, of course. "We all know that a demo without media coverage 'did not happen'," says Anthony Marr. "What media want is not as much information but drama. It is more how a message is delivered than the message itself. Media wants something new, either in the message, or in the delivery, preferably both. But something new is new only once. So we have to invent a new way every time."
The idea of the motorcade was conceived by Anthony Marr for his Compassion for Animals Road Expeditions (CARE-tours, of which there has been 7 since 2003, each covering 25-44 states in 3-7 months), and has been proven extremely effective as a media tool. A memorable one, involving about a dozen cars, was from Houston to Dallas, Texas, driving distance 385km/239mi, about the length of a single file of 360,000 dead baby seals, at 1 meter each, laid out along the highway. All 4 Houston TV stations showed up, plus newspapers of both Houston and Dallas. Overnight, Texans by the hundreds of thousands who knew nothing about the Canadian seal massacre learned something shocking about it, and took actions to oppose it.
[Houston to Dallas motorcade - 380km/240mi - 4 TV stations]
Although he has done many motorcades before in the US, he has never done one in his own hometown Vancouver. So now, it is Vancouver's turn.
[San Diego to Los Angeles motorcade]
The people in Victoria and Nanaimo have observed that Vancouver events are not as well attended on a per capita basis as the Victoria and Nanaimo events, and it is by and large true. This is the one and only Motorcade for The Seals to be done in Vancouver, so let's make it a big success!
We will ask media to show up around 10:30 AM. It is then we will be decorating the cars and motorcycles with posters and ribbons. The TV cameras will be going around zooming into the posters being taped on to car doors, and reporters will be randomly interviewing participants. At 11:00 AM, Anthony Marr will lead the procession on his motorcycle from downtown Vancouver via the Sea-to-Sky Highway to Squamish and Whistler, where local media will be covering the arrivals.
The driving distance from Vancouver to Squamish is 64 km/40mi, and the whole distance to Whistler is 120 km/75mi (respectively about 1/5 to 1/3 the whole length of the 360km seal line).
We hope that you will able to go all the way to Whistler for a good arrival show. Even if not, please join in the departure from Vancouver for a good TV departure presentation. After that, you can go as far as you want - Horseshoe Bay, Lions Bay, Britania Beach, Squamish, Whistler. At Whistler, we will have lunch, then go our individual ways.
Those without cars please come for the media coverage anyway to make the assembly for TV as big as possible. (Recalled the Ambleside Park dog demo? If we would do it for 100 dogs, why wouldn't we do it for 360,000 baby seals?). You could then go with those with cars, or perhaps hold your own foot demo after the motorcade has departed.
WE NEED PEOPLE TO COME TO JOIN AND SUPPORT THIS MOTORCADE FOR THE SEALS, so we need drivers with cars and motorbikes. Interested?
Contact us ASAP if you can join us for this Motorcade. You can reach us here: or
Hope you will join us in this important event towards ending the Canadian seal massacre.
To see Anthony Marr's work:
Anthony Marr, Founder and President
Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE)
Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC)
fuck you this is
which is an animal cruelty
which is an animal cruelty
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