This is dedicated to the sharks of planet Earth
... headed by the Whale Shark, the biggest fish ever evolved on Earth, but a gentle plankton filter-feeder.
Especially for this one, cruelly definned. Often, definned sharks are just discarded back into the ocean, like a captured tiger with its legs cut off dumped back into the forest.
Practically all countries with a coast-line, including the US and Canada, "produce" shark fins via shark-finning. Together, they kill some 90 million sharks a year, probably a low estimate since shark-finning is mostly illegal and not reported. The top 6 are Costa Rica, Spain, UAE, Singapore, Indonesia and Taiwan, each exporting 300,000-2,600,000 kg a year to Hong Kong, then redistributed worldwide.
The Black Panther AR Bike at the Chinatown Pavilion.
Anthony Marr interviewed by Vancouver Sun reporter
Anthony Marr being interviewed by 3 reporters at once
Anthony Marr brings out his silver bullet aimed squarely at the shark fin trade: "Not only should the shark fin trade be illegal, IT ALREADY IS; all we have to do is to urge the government to enforce its own law." Other than the CITES's global laws forbidding international trade of endangered species, in whole or part, dead or alive, he is referring to Canada's own WAPPRIITA law which he and the WCWC forced out from the Federal government in his/their 1996 Chinatown campaign to ban traditional Chinese medicines containing endangered species ingredients including tiger bone, rhino horn and bear bile, which should also applied to the sharks. Of the 440 species of sharks, over 200 are CITES-1 - Endangered - including the Whale Shark, Basking Shark, Great White Shark, Tiger Shark, Leopard Shark... The shark fins for sale in Chinatown were indiscriminately poached and are of undetermined species, a large percentage of which must be from endangered species. Since we cannot be sure which is which, we cannot allow any to be traded, marketed, sold or served in restaurants. Read about this in his blog:
With Cecile Yuen of the Vancouver group Shark Truth looking on, group leader Clauda Li speaking...
... to her captive audience of activists and media personnel,
Claudia talking to a "Walking Shark" in Chinatown
Global TV ready for action
This is what Vancouver activists look like!
Shark fins of undetermined species in jars @ ~$500 per pound; the tail fin of a Basking Shark can fetch upwards of $10,000.
TV camera like kid in candy store. Most of the other jars contain dried medicinal plants.
Never so many activists in a Chinese apothecary.
Dried sea horses
TV camera zooming into jars containing shark fins of undetermined species, probably endangered.
Province newspaper photographer trying to capture AM's soul
Camcorders great and small
Global TV reporter and cameraman discussing angles
Back in the street. Vancouver's old Chinatown has over 30 of these stores. The new Chinatown in Richmond perhaps more.
Global TV interviewing Claudia Li of the Vancouver group Shark Truth
Global TV interviewing the founder of Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE - and the Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC - see Facebook)
Article from the Province newspaper (502,000 circulation) tomorrow, Sunday
Article from the Vancouver Sun newspaper (499,500 circulation) on Monday, July 11
- the largest two Vancouver newspapers, total readership over 1 million
Global TV tonight at 6pm and 11pm, plus Sunday morning news; viewership in Canada 27 million.
Will post when available.
Anthony Marr, Founder and President
Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE)
Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC) (AM's 3rd-book-in-the-making)
Wonderful work here Anthony. You and Claudia Li doing great representing the Sharks at this event. Why did the Store owners allow all the media? The dead dried Sea Horses broke my heart into a million pieces, I love them so, they are so intelligent and sensitive, unlike the humans that exploit them. Thank you for the post.
Great Work!
Thank you for helping protect sharks. They are magnificent creatures and deserve respect.
Marr is a gutless shill for the ELF and other extremist organizations that murder with no disregard for the truth.
Thank you, Wolfiesmom1, Shiananda and Karen! And @ "Deen": At least I put my name out there for people like you to attack. Where are your guts, when hiding behind your untraceable pseudonym?
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